Who We Are.
Relationships Not Resumes...
We are much more than a piece of paper. Try for a moment to sum up your life on one or two pieces of paper. How well would someone know you? C3 Workforce puts value in knowing people. People have feelings about work and expectations of what it should be. Some people do not like to work in the cold. Some people prefer to work alone. A resume does not give you this crucial information. The team at C3 Workforce knows the candidates better so they can be more success which makes clients happy!
90 Days.
90 days… we hear that a lot in our industry. Everyone wants to evaluate a candidate for 90 days before they hire them. Makes sense right. Have you ever watched a great employee who you hired in after 90 days fall apart? What happened? People do not change a whole lot for the most part. The person you hired on day 1 is the same person that fell apart on day 91. Candidates understand the 90 day rule. They know they must do a good job for 90 days to get a raise or get hired in. We encourage employers to wait a bit longer to see what happens after 90 days before they do anything drastic. C3 Workforce looks for candidates with a much longer track record than just 90 days. Shouldn’t you?
C3 Workforce was founded in 2010 by a Father and Son team. The Father had the sales experience and the Son had the drive to make something better. C3 Workforce was born out of the idea that Staffing should be done with care and understanding. Candidates and Clients should be treated the same. They should be treated with honesty and respect. This paved the way for a new kind of staffing company. One that does what is says it is going to do!